Ma Famille

Ma Famille

Monday, November 29, 2010


there are always a contradiction i can't handle it,
i know i should not have this thought from the begining,
but i juz lost of control,
am i crazy ....
which way i should go for,
always a bipolar....i want and i think cannot!
I should stop all those stupid act before i becum an evil
I believe ...
Stop now better than getting worst and worst,
I don know what i'm writting here,
my head pop out an evil and angel....
sigh, i always lead by and evil and forget about angel edi,
angel can u gif a slap to wake me up,
i should focus on other important stuff other than this....
i have many things to settle, stop dreaming ....wake up!!!!
why sth juz follow the same pattern,
can i make a change...
i don't want there are sth like hunting me!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

BONES Season 6 :)

wow.....i just realize bones is back !!!!
season 6 man......wohoo...i damn happy and excited
my lovely Dr.Brennan is back and smart agent Booth!!!
Oh my oh.....i can stop watching this
this is best drama i ever see!!!
every character have their own personality

oh my frenz who love it don't miss this,
u gonna love it PERPETUITY....haha!! :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

INSTANT LOVE STORY -collecting the pieces from you to complete the puzzle......

Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow,
day after day ......
the person who help me to complete the puzzle.
collecting pieces that i lost from you....
u gif me one piece per day....

i hope there are a lot of pieces i lost....
pieces that make us connected
from your name
your family
your hobby
your style
your smell
until the day i can't forget about you
but i really hope one day i will complete the puzzle with you one day...
cos the puzzle we match is a cupid that match us,
that means the day we have sharing our soul tgt

and beside the cupid there are our pic
that you holding my hand ....and say i will hold your hand until the day i die...

then hug me until sunset...
you said :
i will not promise you anythings but i will do everythings you need me to do
not cos of promise is cos of love.

I do not promise but to love more....
you are my only one
that show who i am


rose from my friend.....thank you

thank you for giving me such a beautiful rose,
i like it so much, you always the one who care me so much.
i know that i'm the lucky one because i have a very very good roomate.
who always take care of me....
bless you :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

River Flows In You




时间真的能证明一切吗 (我在想.....还要等多久)


Kiss the Rain - heal my soul

when i feel sad, i will listen to this song....
i will feel better and better!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

think good for you!!!

don't feel disappoint, should be encourage.
don't feel depress, should be motivation.
don't feel sad, should be how to being more happy.
don't feel discourage, should be encourage other people and by the way encourage yourself.
don't feel angry, should be rational and think how to solve it
don't feel lonely, should be think that there are a lot of people missing you now.
don't feel that end of the case, should be improving time to time.
don't feel other people is better than you, should be what i can learn from this kind of people.
don't feel unlucky, should be happy that the lucky is waiting for you.

body language 肢体语言!




只要对一个人谈论某个观点或意见时的手部动作稍加观察,就能发现他对该观点的态度。如果在开会讨论某个观点时,你发现坐在对面的 同事在发言时,辅以右手来做辅助手势(左撇子正好相反),你就可以基本断定他对该观点持赞同的态度——因为手势不仅可以吸引对方注意,更重要的是可以加强 谈话的效果。手势的动作幅度或力度越大,说明对该观点的倾向越大。






和手掌摩擦相比,一个人如果做出双手指尖相对动作,则更加清楚地表明:此人对某事胸有成竹,或者是自信度非常高。细心观察的话, 会发现这种手势经常出现在上级和下级对话的场合。如果有人就某个问题做出这样的手势,你就应该知道对方比较有把握了。而一个人在指尖相对和手指交叉的动作 中频繁地变换,则表明了这个人处于一个对事态进行衡量、评估的状况。




这个动作我们经常能够在听课或是开会时见到,但其中的含义却非常丰富。如果你的同事在你发表意见时,将手放在下巴或者脸颊处,同 时食指、中指竖立紧贴面颊或是抚摸下巴,则说明这个人正在分析思考你的话语。但如果他对你的话题失去兴趣,却又不得不表现出感兴趣时,你会发现,支撑的部 位会发生变化——不再是手指,而是手腕。






脚部转动的方向,尤其是脚尖的方向是表明对方是否想要离开的最好信号。与人交谈时,如果发现对方的脚不再对着你,而是向另外一个 方向转动时,自己就要识趣的意识到可能出现什么问题了。如果有人在与你谈话时,脚尖却不自觉地向某个方向转动,你就要明白,此人是想要离开了。如果你发 现,对方的脚在不停地转向摆动,则说明对方可能不情愿离开,但不得不走。


生理学研究发现,当人的情绪高涨时,身体会不自觉地做出背离重力方向的动作。典型例子就是人极度高兴时,往往都会跳起来。所以无 论是脚尖着地、脚跟抬起,还是脚跟着地、脚尖抬起,都是个人积极情绪的表现,尤其是女性表现的最为明显。如果一位女性在接打电话时,如果脚跟着地,脚尖却 向上抬起,你就可以基本断定,电话的内容绝对是正面信息。




我们经常能够见到,人们摆出将一只脚的脚踝搭在另一条腿的膝盖上的坐姿,尤其是许多男性非常喜欢采用这种坐姿。根据相关研究,这 种坐姿不仅能体现自己的自信和地位,同时也能显得放松,而其背后表现的出往往是不服输或者争胜的态度。留心如今许多明星访谈节目,就会发现不少大牌男性演 员都会做出这样的坐姿。










你学会了吗?? 我学会了一点点...满好玩的!!!


  1. 不要双手环抱在胸前或者翘二郎腿。
  2. 保持眼神交流,但是不要盯着别人。
  3. 人与人之间保持一定距离,双脚不要紧闭,显得有自信。
  4. 放松你的肩膀。
  5. 当听别人发表意见的时候,轻微点头表达对演讲者的尊敬。
  6. 不要作风懒惰,弯腰驼背。
  7. 如果对别人的演讲很感兴趣,前身可以轻轻前倾表示自己的兴趣。
  8. 微笑,讲一些笑话让对话环境更轻松。
  9. 不要不断地触摸自己的脸,这只会让你觉得紧张。
  10. 保持目光平视。不要把目光集中在地上,给别人一种不信任的感觉。
  11. 放慢速度可以让你冷静,减少压力。
  12. 不要坐立不安。
  13. 与其让你的手左右摆动或者触摸自己的脸,不如让你的手加入对话中。但要避免适得其反。
  14. 不要把手维持在胸前,尽量放在脚的两侧,否则会让听者觉得你显得拘束。
  15. 最后,一定要保持好的态度。

用肢體語言向對方-- 致敬(SALUTE)

  • 面帶微笑(Smile)
  • 肯定對方(Affirm)
  • 傾身靠近(Lean toward)
  • 放鬆姿態(Unlock posture)
  • 輕碰觸摸(Touch)
  • 眼神交流(Eye contact)

Friday, October 15, 2010

more than what i aspect....

sometimes when you in moody,
try to be think how should your life should work out....
then i figure it out,
i want my life happy and charming
then i start thinking that i'm learning or copying people,
is learning....
in this few month i start learn how to be happy, no complain....
try to think what i can do & not why people do like that!
i feel more happy now because i choose to believe that angry din't bring any advantages,
but when you solve the problem , you will earn somethings more than u aspect......
i like to spend sometimes alone, is quite nice to have a cup of coffee... & blogging!
I love it =)
so i hope i can learn more from my friends and hope our relationship will long lasting!!
Like me, just a normal girl but one things special about me is not special at all....hehe

Monday, October 11, 2010

i start confusing.....

why i start confuse what people thinking,
i'm so scare when people treat me too nice,
i don want to step in the hole again...
is that really have god...
please can u show me or gif me some sign or hint,
i really don know how to do!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

since i'm tooth also growing....but very slow, suffering, pain ==

last time my face not balance cos of this tooth,
now again....
don't wan
pain pain pain
suffering that i can't simply eat anything i want
can you grow more faster....don't torture me...
for my age more tooth fairy edi!!!!
no more one dollar...haha

Colourful first time to construct a little project that sell handicraft

Is the 3rd sem minor project APK
asas pembudayaan keusahawaan
10 people group into one group and is choose randomly
thank god that i can meet a lot of friends and glad that we are in a group
since my member is too busy, then I accidently become a leader
then go through many meeting
we come out with an idea that selling handicraft
so we proceed to do our stuff
the proposal part i learn a lot and know what should show in the content of one proposal

Then come to the sales,
i sell the famous sandakan tart named UFO tart to collect our capital
I'm so happy that my tart is finish selling because I have a lot of good coursemate who supporting me.....

thank you

Then after the tarts sale, we are busy for our production....
days that my hands full of smelly gum, is special for me very tired but quite happy that i can make sth by myself and learn a lot
just left few more days to go
the expo will held soon,
is on 10th and 11th of Oct
I hope our company will achieve our vision and mission
sell all our products
what i can say is
thank you all my members and coursemate who always supporting me


Mr. Right

when u meet someone....
u will realize that he not the only one
i still many choice
i won't make a decision before i really make sure he is the right person
i willing wait for the right one
although some times will feel lonely
but my faith make me keep moving forward
i hope that day will come soon....
i want to say....
i'm waiting you Mr. Right


Monday, September 20, 2010



Wednesday, September 15, 2010


不需要想好内容, 不需要定时间...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

LIfe at Sabah....beach & nice view

Sabah the land below the wind
the second largest state in Malaysia
situated at the northern part of the island of Borneo

third largest island in the world

It covers an area of 72,500 sq. kilometres
a coastline of 1,440 kilometres long washed by the South China Sea in the
the Sulu Sea in the Northeast and the Celebes Sea in the East
Sabah is also endowed with a heterogenous population
The indigenous population are made up of some 30 groups
using more than 50 indigenous languages
and not less than 80 dialects

sabah for me
is a island that full of beach, mountain and nice view

Align Left
that KK mountain behind us which we are in kundasang
there are fresh air and nice view

this beach inside the UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA SABAH
the place i join my first sem family day

Pulau Sapi


the first year ME family day held at there nice place,we have a lot of games on that day, have fun & joy between my coursemates

Nice view which can see at my hostel area
beautiful sunshine that make me slow down my footstep
and take times to capture it
sunshine make me feel warm
sunrise and sunset in Sabah is awesome
u won't want to miss it

Night view that captured
when we go to the doulus trip

which is a ship selling the books
is special for me because first times go to a ship which is selling books
most of the books relate to christian
and is quite special
there are a lot of tourist from korea

click it to hear and watch the mv of this song

You with the sad eyes

Don't be discouraged
Oh, I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And darkness still inside you
Make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, True colors, are beautiful, Like a rainbow.

(Ah ah ah...)

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy,
Can't remember when I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors,
True colors, are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Ah ah ah ah...

Spoken: Can't remember when I last saw you laughing

If this world makes you crazy
You've taken all you can bear
You call me up (Call me up! )
Because you know I'll be there (Know I'll be there)

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through (I see them shining through! )
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you (That's why I love you! )
So don't be afraid (Afraid) to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
I see your true colors shining through (Yeah! )
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid (Afraid) to let them show
Your true colors
True colors, true colors
True colors, are beautiful, Like a rainbow

diary or will, well know diary....vampire diary!!!!

which one you choose
diary? or will?
usually people will write diary
but for old people will write will

what is will?
Will is a legal declaration
of the intention of a testator with respect to his property
which he desires to be carried into effect after his death
It includes codicil and every writing making a voluntary posthumous disposition of property.

young people should write will also
why said so
i heard a talk from a company which is OSK
they said people now should prepare for our future
you never know what will happen in next minute
oh no.....its sound so depress!!
but is reality
preparing always the best choice to avoid problem
data now showing people die early
why.....because of chemical...enviroment....or stressful of life
not -ve thinking
is well preparing
we should open our mind because we are modern now
should think about next generation

after finish the talk
i still think same like others
why we want write will
need money
we are too young for it
at last i also din't pay to write a will
the most important reason is i don't have money
i will think about when i'm working i will write a will
because i really don't know what will happen next minute
to protect my family
i have responsible to do that

writing a will din't means can't changes the will after write the1st times
even you want your money go for charity
this is the most safety way to ensure your money go to the right track
because people now is not easy as ABC....
is complicated


This pic captured when i'm travel in
there have a lot of flower and that place just like a heaven
i saw peace in that place
and i like white rose very much

i don't know how to decribe how beautiful the white rose can be
i just feel that is pure and glamour
white petal of rose with rose smell
can make me feel relax
google it...i found that
the white rose has come to symbolize purity, innocence and secrecy

now we always can see in people wedding
which white rose is a traditional wedding flower
representation of unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new bond of love
White roses are also a symbol for young love, which further strengthens the association, and makes them ideal for marriages
White rosebuds- symbol for girlhood and
carry an underlying message of one too young for love

Black Roses signify Death
Coral Rose conveys desire
Lavender Roses symbolize love at first sight and enhancement
Orange Roses indicate enthusiasm, desire and fascination
Pink (Deep) says Thank You
Pink (Light) Rose conveys admiration, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy and sweetness
Pink Rose carry the message of happiness, gracefulness and gentleness
Red Roses symbolize sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion
Red (Dark) Rose reveals unconscious beauty
Red (Single) means "I Love You"
Red & White Roses together signify unity
Single Rose in any color expresses simplicity and gratitude
White Roses express Purity/heavenly, secrecy, silence, innocence and charm
White (Bridal) Rose symbolizes a happy love
Yellow Roses indicate joy, gladness, friendship and "I Care"
Yellow Rose with Red Tip indicates friendship falling in Love

"Your beauty is like the rare white rose that blooms among the red ones. A wonder to behold, an impossibility to forget."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

keep on messy hair!!!

Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges,
but eventually you find a hair stylist you like.

long hair style when i'm 宅女look, then 20 years old..
curly hair it
but my friends said look like maggie mee...LOL
for me ...nice try

Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... ~Susan Polis Shutz

then i found a good quote that is
How can I control my life when I can't control my hair?

so i keep on control my hair.....
when i'm 21 turn to middle short hairstyle
i love it
but no a reason to stop changing my hairstyle
it tranform to very short hair
actually short hair take more time to style than long hair
stylish my hair everyday using my wax

my friends wondering that i will become bold one day or not
i just answer them maybe and why not!

funny quote by ~Oliver Herford
A hair in the head is worth two in the brush.

you you & you leave footsteps in my life make my life more colourful

your..s footstep in my life
special friends
your loyalty and the best secret keeper
i love you all and miss you all

Ah Bi
most clever

the most naughty
like to spy and be thief at night

have beautiful furs
still a small kids
like to play around
nonstop jumping here and jumping there

cute little baby

even my birthday's present
also is a cute little dog ^^v

life full of delicious foods.....emmemmmm

my life can't out of foods
all the hapiness come from foods
people around me also like to eat
in my memory,
childhood already full of delicious foods especially in my hometown...IPOH
if you are Malaysian
you sure know Ipoh is a state full of delicious food
the tauge chicken....yum yum
ABC ais...laksa....uncountable foods!
like wat i always said 吃的是福!!!
sumore all my family member also know how to cook
my grandma is the best chef ever in my life....
so miss her and my cooking skill also learn from her
she always cook for us and tell us many story about her lifes
other than my grandma...
my grandpa also good in cooking but in special way...
my grandma always diagree the way grandpa cook
because did you try cook me with peanut butter...
if not, u can have a try...
is delicious....miss it!!!
that my happy grandma and grandpa
then come to my father
i'm sure he is a good chef too...
who learn a lot from my grandma
but a little cute for my mothers is
her best cook is maggie me and milo ais...
that no one can replace her
the best milo ais try before
after that
turn to my 3 sweet aunty
two best in cooking in main dish
one best in making the desser and dim sum
but mostly they will cook together
hapiness in process of cooking and eating
other from family members

i also have a lot of friends who like foods
we will hang out just for foods
from street to street
even include my teacher, tuition teacher
and my boss too
i'm glad that i know all of them
because teach me how to eat and sharing all the times
sometimes i would like to sharing our foods
becuase is more delicious
trust me
is better than you eating yourself only
when i'm adult
my parent start doing business in selling sushi then mee
in all this changes allow me to eat more
then my brother also a chef that make cake and bread....
actually should call pastry chef??
nope he is well in cooking too
then how bout my sister and younger brother
my sister like fushion spaghetti
my brother try to make tang yuan
turn me
I like to try cook with love
I hope people will feel happy after eat what i cook
i learn times to times
to improve my cooking skill
i would to invite people to try my products
but sometimes i will like to enjoy people cook for me
don't think the expensive means delicious
if you cook with love
anythings can be delicious
even it just a hotdog!!!
hope everyone can enjoy when they are eating
there are nothing u can sit down and enjoy something
except eating
sharing is most important things in our life
i hope i can share with you all!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the past experience - broken heart - open my heart to meet more friends

I think i fall in love with you, but do you know that?
I think the most miserable things is you love me too,
but i start confuse when u start all this......
you hurt me
please don't do that to me,
so suffer that i need to act that i understand what you feel
but actually i don't know what u thinking now
sometimes i judging myself because of you,
i din't feel me anymore,
it sound so weak
i thinking and keep thinking
and i found out there are many things others than you
what i need is someone who can really protect me and love me,
but you really dissapointed me
maybe me and you just a pass by story
but i realize i din't have to care so much,
because i don't like love that squeez out by all the pressure,
i need true love,
sumore i feel guity that another guy who care me so much,
i just not ready for all this
i can't cheat you that i love you
because i still can't forget him..
I always pray for you,
your hapiness is my hapiness,
thanks for being soul mate that always understand me
person who wipe my tears and hug me tight
i feel warm
i hope i no need live in rain anymore
maybe you and me just need more times
sorry that i hurt you
i know i should let go......
please bless me for another chance
to correct my fault
to say
I love you