Ma Famille

Ma Famille

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


_虽然你不喜欢大人的世界,却不必与之为敌,先别说有掌权的大人总有办法给你苦头 吃的那部 分,其实,多亏那些无聊的大人,你才可以变成有趣的小孩,永远不要 忘记这点,嘻嘻。





_平淡很好啊,我淡然知道平淡就是幸福,但只要我想用力闯看看,我就想看一看不一 样的人生风景,也许我会被骗,也许我会吃尽苦头,十之八九我会觉得自己像什么 都不懂的白痴,偶尔我会尝到点头科科科自以为是地得意。(我最喜欢这段 ^^)
毕竟,万一没有轮回怎么办? 就算有天堂,人生在世也不过这么一遭啊!

别在试图告诉我“施主,一切都是过往云烟”的贴心建议了,妈的你知道,我知道,独 眼龙也知道,可是我只想活出属于我版本的,人生就是不停的战斗啦干


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yuhooo...4 months HOlidaYs start!!!

First, i am so happy that i can be HOME! HOME SWEET HOME, suddenly want to sing a song.....tell the world I'M COMING HOME~~~

I will miss u all UMS frenzs!!!!

Actually, I plan to do many things in this long long holidays but don't know what to start!!!!!
i'm quite worry about my Thesis becos i don't know where to start but i trust myself i can do it! LET DO IT BABE :D

Then, is working tym, gonna find job 2mr, GB ME, good luck to myself, becos i need MONEY $$, i hate insurance, always make me spend money!!! HATE YOU ><, my DSLR dream gone cos of you...damn it !!!!

Anyway, life still go on, no matter how, i must spend this holidays until MAX!!! i need to maximize my utility, looking forward on dancing class, SALSA and swimming aso!!! I want SWIM like a fish~~~~~


Thursday, April 21, 2011

OH my 22 years old !!!

Yesterday is my 22 th birthday ,
times just pass like a rocket,
i can't imagine that from a little me become a adult already.
I have been go through many things, bad, good, crazy and manyyyy.
For my birthday is all about friends and stress (Final exam!!!!)
Then i found out i have a lot of lovely friends, thank you for the celebration.
But i also feel dissapoint with someone, i know i think too much!!
By the way, don want bother about that.

Through my 21 years life,
Finally, i realize what kind ppl i am, i will organize my things in schedule. If you mess my schedule, you will be the victim of mine. I don't like things not going like i aspect, how i can change this good or bad!!
Still have time for me to change....i believe i can do that :)